Current Quarter
Foundations in Human Centered Design (HCDE 303)
Teaching Assistant [Winter '25] University of
Past Quarters

Intro to Programming (HCDE 524)
This course introduces master’s-level students with little to no programming experience to fundamental
programming principles. Key topics include variables, conditionals, functions with parameters, loops, arrays,
and objects. Students are shown live coding demonstrations during class using p5.js to reinforce these concepts.
Assignments are designed to progressively build coding skills, with a focus on improving code style, readability,
and achieving objectives beyond the basic requirements. By the end of the course, students apply their learning
to independent projects, which they present to showcase their ability to integrate multiple programming concepts.
Instructor [Autumn '22 | Spring '23 | Autumn '23 | Spring '24 | Autumn '24] University of

Usability Studies (HCDE 517)
This class introduces master's students to usability testing and usability research as components of
user-centered design. Emphasizing a process-oriented approach, it helps students understand effective reporting
to evaluate product usability issues, prioritize audiences, design tests, and proficiently report findings.
Teaching Assistant [Winter '24] University of Washington

Design Field Studies (DES 481)
This course offers students an in-depth understanding of significant theoretical models in design through a
series of readings, lectures, discussions, and assignments, fostering critical thinking and application of
design principles. As a panelist for IxD seniors' presentation, I provided feedback and critique on Aging +
Technology research projects, offering insights and suggestions based on my research in IoT and older adults.
I shared a brief overview of my recent work, and engaged with each team’s design insights, giving constructive
critique and recommendations for improvement.
Panelist [Autumn '22] University of Washington

HCDE Undergraduate Capstone (HCDE 492, 493)
Over two quarters, these courses guide students in defining their capstone topics, forming project teams, and
developing initial concepts, deliverables, and schedules, leading into the Capstone design experience, where
they integrate knowledge and skills from their program into a comprehensive paper or project. As the TA, I
guided multiple teams of 4-5 undergraduate students each in their capstone projects, involving tasks such as
defining a design problem, conducting user research, and establishing connections with industry sponsors. Each
team’s projects culminated in a design prototype/demo that was presented alongside a poster at the end of the
Teaching Assistant [Winter '22 | Spring '22] University of Washington

Interactive Systems Design and Technology (HCDE 310)
This course introduces undergraduate students to the fundamentals of programming in Python, specifically
designed for students with limited programming experience. Through weekly assignments, students applied
programming concepts, with a focus on data manipulation and creating small applications using data from larger,
publicly available sources. The course covered various programming concepts and practiced incorporating file
operations, string processing, and external modules and APIs. The course concludes with a final project where
students manipulate data, generate web pages through Python programs, and apply computational thinking to
analyze, organize, and solve problems.
Teaching Assistant [Autumn '21] University of Washington

Interaction Design & Prototyping (HCDE 536)
This course explores advanced interaction design theory and practice through project-based work, focusing on
design, development, and critique of online and mobile solutions, covering topics such as interaction theory,
requirements, design language, prototyping, evaluation, and project presentation. My role as the TA included
giving feedback on student projects that involves need-finding, user research, and prototyping.
Teaching Assistant [Winter '21] University of Washington

Ethics in Public Health Research and Practice (FPM 258C)
This class is a seminar course tailored for graduate students in public health, encompassing topics such as
study design, ethics, data analysis and management techniques, and qualitative research.
Teaching Assistant [Spring '20] UC San Diego